Privacy Policy for the Decibelion app for Android

Mandy Software LLC of Colorado

Last updated: 2024-05-27

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy explains the data collection practices of the Decibelion app developed by Mandy Software, LLC. By using the app, the End User (hereafter "User") accepts this policy and agrees to the data collection and processing described herein.

2. Microphone Data

2.1. Access to the Microphone

The Decibelion app requires the device microphone permission in order to use the audio-related features of the app.

2.2. Usage of Microphone Data

The audio data from the microphone never leaves the device, and it is never written to the phone's internal storage.
If enough people ask for a recording feature, a recording feature might be added in the future, but right now no audio data is saved.
Even if a recording feature is added in the future, the recorded data will still never leave the device without the User's explicit consent, such as via a "share" button that the User would use and then select where the User would like to share the data to.

2.3. Audio Data vs Usage Statistics

Microphone audio data is NOT a usage statistic and is NEVER sent to any server for processing or storage.

3. Anonymous Usage Statistics

Each time the User uses the app, certain anonymous usage statistics and other information is collected by Mandy Software. This is done for analytics purposes in order to improve the app.
While some of the app events' timestamp information may be used for identifying a particular app installation instance for better app analytics insight, none of the information can actually be linked to the person or the device from which this usage data originated.
For security purposes and to combat abuse, each time the data is collected, a hash of the User's current IP address is saved. However, the User's IP address itself is never retained.
The information collected may be divided into 3 categories, and there are separate rules for opt-out for each category.

3.1. Basic Info - Required

The following basic information is always collected by the app, regardless of opt-out status of the other two categories.

3.2. Device Info - Optional

The following device information is collected and processed for analytics purposes if opted in.

3.3. Usage Info - Optional

The following usage information is collected and processed for analytics purposes if opted in.

3.4. Privacy

To maintain User anonymity, Mandy Software does not capture or associate any personal identifiers such as the device ID, user ID, advertisement ID, or IP address. Usage data is sent each time the app is either launched, closed, or navigated between the different screens of the app, but no personally-identifiable information (PII) is collected nor stored with this usage data.

4. Financial Data

The Decibelion app contains features available for in-app purchase.
However, the financial transaction process as well as the record-keeping of which User has purchased which product are both services that are handled entirely by the Google Play Store and not by Mandy Software or the Decibelion app directly. The Decibelion app does not have access to the User's financial information or to any other personal information, and the only information that the Decibelion app acquires from the Google Play Services is the basic purchase information (order ID, purchase state, and which products were purchased) as provided by the Google Play Billing library.
Furthermore, the user-identifiable purchase information is never linked to the usage data that is collected by the app. For example, the order ID is not collected with the usage data. The only piece of the purchase information that is included with the collected usage data is a Boolean value (purchased or not?: yes/no) of whether or not each app feature has been purchased, and this information is used for analytics purposes to gauge the effects of different app features as well as different user interactions on whether or not the users decide to make the in-app purchase.
For the User, this means that the Google Play service takes care of handling the payment and all financial and personal information while the Decibelion app has no access to the User's personal information other than determining whether or not the User has purchased the in-app products in order to unlock the feature in question and for Mandy Software's analytics purposes to improve the app.

5. Data Handling and Storage

This section describes how the data is stored and handled.

6. Consent and User Rights

This section describes the actions that the User can take with regards to the data collection.

7. Changes to This Policy

Mandy Software may update this Privacy Policy periodically, so it is recommended that the User check this policy occasionally to stay informed about how Mandy Software is collecting and protecting the data generated from the use of the app.

8. Contact Info

Should there be any questions or concerns, please contact Mandy Software at:

info @